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SoftHand is an anthropomorphic robotic hand based on soft-robotics technology, flexible, adaptable and able to interact with the surrounding environment, objects and humans while limiting the risk of hurting the operators, spoiling the products to be handled, and damaging the robot itself.

Thanks to its inherent mechanical intelligence it can adapt naturally to the objects it is picking without the need for sophisticated sensors that require equally sophisticated electronic programming.

It is adaptable and can grasp different objects without any change in the control action, showing an unparalleled level of simplicity and flexibility. The hand pose is not predetermined but depends on the physical interaction of its body with the environment, allowing to grasp a great variety of objects despite its single degree of actuation.

The device can be directly powered within the range of 9V-24V, and its control logic is accessible through a standard micro-USB cable connection.

Regarding software, we will provide a custom ROS package to easily interface with the hardware, giving commands to enable and operate the motor.



Centro E. Piaggio - UNIPI

in collaboration with qbrobotics


Not available yet


© 2014 Natural Machine Motion Initiative

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